Slow Down * Enjoy Life Rotating Header Image

All is quiet and I’m still awake

Now that I say that I’m sure things will change…they almost always do.  But they’re both asleep and the temp is comfortable and … well, I’m missing her a lot.

I hit a brick wall at about 8:30 but for some reason an hour+ later I’m wide awake.  Last night I kept falling asleep while E was still awake.  She finally went to bed about an hour and a half later than usual.  She doesn’t like to go to bed on time lately.  I’ve had to invoke a little trickery.  Last night I told her I was going to get another bottle, tonight C was crying…she’s super smart so this won’t last but it’s working for now.

Caffeine has become my friend, but I don’t drink a ton.  I just need a quick pick me up.  I’m trying to get out and get some exercise.  I’m hoping it will help.  But nothing gets me going as quick as a little caffeine.

Today I biked for another 12-15 miles.  I’m not quite sure how far it was exactly.  It was for sure at least 12 but I haven’t mapped it out.  Biking is tough because it gives me time to think; primarily about her.  That’s about all I thought about for the hour or so I rode.  And doing stuff by myself isn’t high on my list but waiting around for someone to do it with me also isn’t high up there.  So I do it.  I need a bike rack though.  It’s not easy to try and get that thing in and out of the back of the car each time.

I miss u!